Monday, September 13, 2010

Where's the beef...from anyway.

For my paper, I decided to do something that would interest me and I would also have some experience with. In growing up on a farm/ranch in northeastern Montana, I was exposed to cattle in many ways. I have taken cattle as 4-H projects to the local country fair, and have been very active in the cattle business (I currently own 3 cows, 2 calves, and 1 steer). The farm/ranch that I grew up on raised our cattle to a very high standard. We treat our animals humanly, and let them grow at a natural pace. We never directly implant chemicals into our cattle, who would want to eat that. Our cows are grass-fed, which makes for mightily delicious and healthy steaks and hamburgers. I actually won’t eat steak at restaurants, because of the fact that most restaurants steaks just are not as good as the ones I get from home.

As the societal health craze has really spread throughout America, people are beginning to look at fast food restaurants like McDonalds and the local markets to provide them with a healthy selection of beef. Instead what they see is chemically induced beef raised on feedlots. Clearly a different choice of beef was needed to keep up with the market demand. Grass-fed beef came about as the alternative and better choice. Although more expensive, grass-fed beef gives you the home grown natural beef taste, with no supplement and preservatives. This type of beef is actually healthier for you in many aspects. In spite of this, people still choose to eat chemically induced beef. In my paper, I intend to show the readers the benefits of grass-fed beef. I intend also to state how we got to this point the history of beef production, and why the reader should choose grass-fed over the latter. So, where’s the beef…from anyway?


  1. I really like your post! Im from Chinook, MT and when I moved away from the organic beef my heart sank. Now I'm a vegetarian so worrying about getting the most healthy meat is pointless!

  2. This is an awesome idea! I'm really curious to see what you find for information on this.

  3. That is so interesting that you don't order beef in resturants. I never thought about it, but I know exactly how you feel. Since I commercial fish for salmon I don't think I've ever ordered it or bought it. We just eat it fresh, canned, or smoked. I wonder if its the same for people who... farm potatoes or corn. Do they ever buy or order those things? I'm excited to read your paper!

  4. I watched the documentary "Food Inc." and corn fed cattle was one of the main topics. Its unnatural and super bad for the environment/the cows/the people who eat the cows. I think you will find lots of information on your topic.. Good Luck!

  5. My goal this year is to pet a cow. I know I sound crazy but they look so cute. I live in California where there are dairy cows, but they always look sad and dirty. Most of the cows are in odd looking cages with this weird black looking dirt all around them and only God knows what they are eating. When I came to Montana my vision of cows changed. They look happy all roaming the fields, eating the grass, and laying there in the sun. What I'm trying to say is that your paper sound very interesting.
